All the components

It is so important to know yourself. To recognize what motivates you, what makes you sluggish. That is how to keep yourself on track, know your pitfalls.

I was feeling less than 100% today and I was wondering why I had this lull about hitting the pavement with Billie.

And it hit me - No Nikki!! My personal trainer went on vacation this week and so our appointment changed from tuesday to tomorrow. No biggie but, it made me realize that tuesday is a perfect day to see Nikki. See, Monday nights are my "out with Lisa" evenings. Where we eat italian (one of my two cheat meals a week) and go grocery shopping. I also stuff myself and feel groggy the next day. If I don't have Nikki to snap me out of it that grogginess grows... hence my lull today.

I realize this sounds stupid, but I am just saying. It is important to have all the components for a well run machine. Working out with Nikki is like getting a pick me up, filling the tank, etc.

What's holding you back?

"There are plenty of difficult obstacles in your path. Don't become one of them."

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