Getting to know you, ... err, me

So the swine flu has started to pop up again all over. This had me thinking about how disconnected we are from our bodies. Just follow me here... isn't it crazy that you can have all sorts of things happening within your body and have no idea until there are outside symptoms?

Here's the leap - that's why endurance training is so unique. Or just running in general. Back when I was training for half marathons I would often get into this runners zone. It's like a unique conversation is happening with you and your body. You read it all the time in runners world and stuff - listen to your body. But what does that mean?

Maybe it is because you are focused on your body, or it might just simply mean you are listening for the first time. Think about it, if you spent the time to chronicle your feelings at length for a month you might have a much better idea of your health. Not to gross you fellas out but, a girl can learn a lot about herself when she pays attention to her "time of the month." This allows her to understand monthly weight gain, as well as some emotional pulls. And that is just one aspect of ourselves.

I don't have a solution, maybe Dr. Oz does... all I am saying is, we might all be in better health if we spent time each day focusing on our bodies and how they feel. Write in our journals when we feel an ache or pain. It could be simple weight gain, or something else.

Think of it this way, since many of you are dog lovers. Dogs can't speak, so they can't tell us that they are sick or feeling itchy or whatever. As dog owners you are suppose to pay special attention to your dogs actions and droppings so you can "speak" for your dog in case of illness. Our bodies can't speak either - we need to make the connection.

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