The Scoop

So my peeps at Fitness Plus gave me the scoop today. I asked Nikki and Sheila a ton of questions during my session. First, I have been mulling around this whole endo-, ecto- and mesomorph body types. You can look up a ton of stuff on these body types for your own enjoyment. The general consensus was that the descriptions themselves were scientific but the more people take those descriptions and add on other things like a particular diet and stuff the less scientific it becomes. For example, I (like most of you) am an endomorph. No matter how much weight I lose, as long as I am healthy (and not concentration camp skinny) I will have that shape. And yes, I have naturally strong legs and it is easier for me to gain muscle and fat. Does that mean I was destined to look like a linebacker? No, I look like a linebacker because for the majority of my life I ate like one. End of story. So, it was an interesting foray into body types, but I am not going to use it to figure out a different weight loss/excercise/weight training plan. You just can't get any better than calories in/calories out. Do you know that you need over 1800 calories a day to sustain 240? Did you know I use to think 1800 calories wasn't very much? I don't know about you, but I use to get in the rut of just thinking to eat at all I would be pushing 2000+ calories a day. That simply is not the case. My nutrisystem stuff (which is just the packaged items, not the prescribed add-ins) sticks around 700-850 calories a day. I will write a post later about how I use nutrisystem and why it seems to work for me....
Back to my training session with Nikki...I asked about my vitamins. I was reading this morning about how you shouldn't take vitamins right before bed, especially B Complex and E. Something about making you restless or not absorbing correctly. Not to worry, since vitamins contain no calories they also contain no energy (energy=calories, calories=energy) so happy me - I can keep doing the nighttime routine.
I'm sure I will have ample opportunity to gush about Nikki but today is just one reason that I love working with her. She truly is interested. I don't know about you but, I have been to a few places that when you ask any questions they stop you cold with, "oh we have a class for that. It's X amount of dollars..." Don't get me wrong, I am all about nutrition classes and I try not to take advantage of Nikki by constantly e-mailing or calling or bugging her about junk. I value the fact that she should be paid for her services. But there is a big difference between being genuinely interested in your clients and making a buck. That's the most important thing she does for me... oh and keeping count, lol!

"We either make ourselves miserable or we make ourselves strong. The amount of work is the same."

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