Where have I been?

I have had the hardest time getting back on a regular schedule. I was laying in bed last night just after midnight literally counting sheep. Then meditating, then other junk. I felt like when I was 8 and Dad told me to just not move and I would go to sleep. Urgh! Thankfully, amidst all that frustration I did fall asleep and got up around 8:30. Wow, I am almost like a normal adult... let's see if that lasts. Anywho, got Billie up and out the door right away. We went for a long stroll. And I do mean stroll, 2-3 miles an hour tops and no sweating. So what do you do when you go for such a long walk but don't know how long you went? Well, besides getting in your car and tracing your path - www.mapmyrun.com. I have used it a ton before and I just remembered what a great resource it is. So I am glad to say that we went just under 4 and a half miles today during our stroll.
Billie is a great metaphor for how not to run - first mile or so he is chomping at the bit, practically jumping as he digs his front paws out as if mushing the alaskan frontier. Then he foams at the mouth, panting like crazy and being constantly distracted by everything around him. In the middle of our walk he still pulls at the leash for the occasional squirrel, but mostly stays by my side. The last stretch I am dragging him along as he stops to sniff everything and walks very slowly behind me. Silly Billie Goat!!
Not really sore from my workout with Nikkie yesterday but, I am still going to hold myself back from doing any weights - don't want to strain myself ;) You should always have a rest day between weight training. If you want to do weight training every day just rotate from different muscle groups. I am going to do some supermans today though for my back ;)

"On the day of victory, no one is tired."

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